











The Graduate School of Breathing Sciences provides students, faculty, and staff with an internal ECampus website, developed by its own programing team. Students and faculty login into their own personal page for the following kinds of services:

● Registration:
Students register for specific courses and pay tuition accordingly.
Professionals signing up for continuing education also register here.

● General:
Students and faculty can read general announcements, receive/send messages, download videos, download files, review previous course recordings, edit profile information, see grades, access FAQs, participate in the School Forum, access our Journal Library (2700 medicine, physiology, and psychology journals), and enter our live WebEx webinar platform. FAQ materials include such materials as: using e-campus, accessing our Kindle Library, WebEx webinar features, audio trouble-shooting, Internet challenges, equipment requirements, graduation requirements, grading policies, and many others.

● Courses:
Students download syllabus, assignments, objectives, supplemental files, and videos on a course-by-course basis, where they also read course announcements, take and edit exams, receive graded examinations, upload assignments, and receive messages from faculty members.
Faculty members can upload the syllabus, assignments, supplemental materials, and videos. They can post announcements, send and receive messages from students, assign and post course grades, and create, distribute, collect, grade, and return examinations.

● Records:
Students may create and update their individual profile records where they can edit their addresses, phone numbers, emails, Skype names, and other personal data. They may view their own transcript record and see the courses they’ve completed, the grades they’ve received, incompletes, and the degree requirements yet to be completed.

Faculty can edit their own profile records. They can look at student rosters for specific courses and then enter assignment grades (if any), attendance information, and final grades.


The Graduate School of breathing Sciences offers a two-prong E-Library System: the ProQuest Journal Portal and the Graduate School Kindle Library.

● The ProQuest Journal Portal provides access to more than 3,000 on line professional journals, including 2100 health & medical journals and 700 behavioral science & psychology journals on a 24 X 7 basis. It includes both abstracts and full text journal articles for most journals, including current and back issues. Students and faculty can browse through articles appearing in specific journals, download pdf copies of articles, and create a cloud storage of articles relevant to a research topic.

● The Graduate School Kindle Library provides students with course textbooks, which may be signed out and returned as needed from their own computers, cell phones, or I-Pads. The total cost for all textbooks for all courses, proseminars, and practicums combined is $300.00 for full time students. Establishment of our Kindle Library radically reduces textbook costs by perhaps 90 percent; some specialty-textbooks cost as much as $250.00 per book.


● Course consultation: Each faculty member is available for two one-hour group discussion sessions on Skype (or WebEx) at a time scheduled by the faculty member.

● Program consultation: Each student is assigned a faculty member as advisor, and may arrange by appointment to meet with their advisors on an as needed basis. On occasion, advisors may require a meeting to discuss performance, participation, or degree completion issues.

● Independent consultation: Appointments with faculty may be made at any time, at the discretion of the faculty member, through the e-campus messaging system.

Students have access to School administrators and may make appointments with the following School officers:

Charles R. Kokesh, MBA, JD
Chief Administrative Officer, CFO, Registrar
Tel: 307.633.9800

Peter M. Litchfield, Ph.D.,
President, Dean of Faculty
Tel: 307.633.9800